Bachelor in Communications Technology (BACT)
- About the program
- Program rules
- Program courses
- Academic staff
Internal regulations of BACT
The program in Telecommunications Technology is aimed at qualifying specialists in the field of communication technology, who possess the basic and practical theoretical knowledge, enjoy multiple disciplines and diversity of skills, and are able to engage directly in the work, so that they are able to manage projects and play the role of mediator between institutions that develop solutions and technical services in the field of Communications and information technologies, and various other commercial, industrial or academic institutions that need these solutions and services in their business.
The program has three specialties including:
- RF and Microwave Communications: delivers qualified graduates in the field of RF & Microwave Communication Technology to work as advanced technicians and executive managers.
- Communications Services & Business: delivers qualified graduates in Communications Services & Business to work as executive project managers.
- Mobile Communications Systems: delivers qualified graduates in Mobile Communication Systems and new related technologies to work as advanced technicians and executive managers.
Courses list:
Courses are divided into blocks according to their dependence on the scientific field according to the tables below. For the courses taught in English, it will be a prerequisite of the student to have achieved English level 3 Eng3.
First: General Courses Block: The number of accredited units for the general courses block is /29 / accredited units
Credit units |
Priorities |
Classification |
Course Name in Arabic |
Course Name |
Course code |
4 |
- |
Mandatory |
مهارات الحاسوب |
GBS101 |
4 |
- |
Mandatory |
مقدمة في التعلم الإلكتروني |
Introduction to On-Line Education |
GBS103 |
3 |
- |
Mandatory |
مقدمة في الفلسفة |
Introduction to Philosophy |
GHS101 |
3 |
إنجاز 50 وحدة معتمدة على الأقل |
Mandatory |
تحضير السيرة المهنية |
Career Preparation |
GBS102 |
3 |
- |
Mandatory |
لغة إنكليزية – مستوى أول |
English Level 1 |
Eng1 |
3 |
Eng1 |
Mandatory |
لغة إنكليزية – مستوى ثاني |
English Level 2 |
Eng2 |
3 |
Eng2 |
Mandatory |
لغة إنكليزية – مستوى ثالث |
English Level 3 |
Eng3 |
3 |
Eng3 |
Mandatory |
لغة إنكليزية – مستوى رابع |
English Level 4 |
Eng4 |
3 |
Eng4 |
Mandatory |
لغة إنكليزية – مستوى خامس |
English Level 5 |
Eng5 |
Second: Basic Sciences Block: The number of accredited units for basic sciences is /25/ credit units:
Credit units |
Priorities |
Classification |
Course Name in Arabic |
Course Name |
Course code |
5 |
- |
Mandatory |
الجبر الرياضي |
Mathematical Algebra |
GMA101 |
5 |
- |
Mandatory |
التحليل الرياضي |
Mathematical Analysis |
GMA102 |
5 |
- |
Mandatory |
الرياضيات المتقطعة |
Discrete Mathematics |
GMA204 |
5 |
GMA102/ CML201 |
Mandatory |
الاحتمالات والإحصاء |
Probability & Statistics |
GMA205 |
5 |
- |
Mandatory |
الفيزياء |
Physics |
GPH101 |
Third: Information Technology Block: The number of accredited units for the block of Information technology is /43/ credit units
Credit units |
Priorities |
Classification |
Course Name in Arabic |
Course Name |
Course code |
4 |
GBS101 |
Mandatory |
مقدمة في البرمجة |
Introduction to Programming |
IPG101 |
5 |
GBS101 |
Mandatory |
مقدمة في الشبكات |
Introduction to Networks |
INT101 |
4 |
GBS101 |
Mandatory |
مقدمة في نمذجة المعطيات |
Introduction to Data Modeling |
IIS101 |
5 |
IPG101 |
Mandatory |
مقدمة في نظم التشغيل |
Introduction to Operating Systems |
IOS101 |
5 |
IPG101 |
Mandatory |
التصميم والبرمجة غرضية التوجه |
Object Oriented Programming |
IPG204 |
5 |
IOS101/ INT101/ Eng3 |
Mandatory |
منصة ويندوز 1 |
Windows Platform 1 |
IOS202 |
5 |
INT202/ IOS202/ Eng3 |
Mandatory |
أمن الشبكات والبنية التحتية المعلوماتية |
Network & IT Infrastructure Security |
INT305 |
5 |
IIS101 |
Mandatory |
تصميم وبنيان قواعد المعطيات |
Database Architecture and Design |
IIS202 |
5 |
INT101/ IPG204 |
Mandatory |
خدمات الشبكات |
Network Services |
INT202 |
Fourth: Management Block: The number of accredited units for the management block is /48/ credit unit
Credit units |
Priorities |
Classification |
Course Name in Arabic |
Course Name |
Course code |
4 |
- |
Mandatory |
أساسيّات الإدارة |
Fundamentals of Management |
BMN101 |
4 |
- |
Mandatory |
أسس المحاسبة |
Principles of Accounting |
BAC101 |
4 |
- |
Mandatory |
مدخل إلى علم الاقتصاد |
Introduction to Economics |
BEC101 |
4 |
BMN101 |
Mandatory |
مدخل إلى التسويق |
Introduction to Marketing |
BMN202 |
4 |
BMN101 |
Mandatory |
إدارة الموارد البشريّة |
Human Resources Management |
BMN203 |
4 |
BAC101 |
Mandatory |
أسس الإدارة الماليّة |
Fundamentals of Financial Management |
BFB201 |
4 |
BAC101 |
Mandatory |
المحاسبة التحليليّة (محاسبة التكاليف) |
Cost Analysis |
BAC202 |
4 |
BMN202/ BFB201/ BAC202 |
Mandatory |
تقييم المشاريع ودراسات الجدوى |
Feasibility Studies |
BAC303 |
4 |
GMA205 |
Mandatory |
تحليل البيانات |
Data Analysis |
BQM305 |
4 |
BMN203/ BAC202 |
Mandatory |
إدارة المشاريع |
Project Management |
BQM304 |
4 |
BMN203/ BEC101/ BMN202 |
Mandatory |
ريادة الأعمال وإدارة الشركات المتوسطة والصغيرة |
Entrepreneurship and SMEs Management |
BMN308 |
4 |
BMN202/ BEC101/ BQM305 |
Mandatory |
بحوث التسويق |
Research in Marketing |
BQM406 |
Credit units |
Priorities |
Classification |
Course Name in Arabic |
Course Name |
Course code |
5 |
GMA101/ GPH101 |
Mandatory |
دارات كهربائية |
Electrical Circuits |
CEE101 |
5 |
CEE101/ INT101 |
Mandatory |
تراسل البيانات |
Data Communications |
CEE102 |
5 |
IPG101 |
Mandatory |
ماتلاب للحوسبة العددية |
MATLAB for Numerical Computing |
CML201 |
5 |
CEE101 |
Mandatory |
إلكترونيات |
Electronics |
CEE202 |
5 |
CEE101 |
Mandatory |
إشارات ونظم |
Signals and Systems |
CEE203 |
5 |
CEE202/ GMA204 |
Mandatory |
إلكترونيات رقمية |
Digital Electronics |
CEE204 |
5 |
CEE203/ CML201 |
Mandatory |
معالجة الإشارة الرقمية |
Digital Signal Processing |
CEE205 |
5 |
CEE202/ CEE203/CEE102 |
Mandatory |
اتصالات تمثيلية |
Analog Communications |
CEE306 |
5 |
CEE204/ IPG101/ GMA204 |
Mandatory |
المعالجات والمتحكمات الصغرية |
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers |
CEE307 |
5 |
CEE205/ CEE306/ CML201 |
Mandatory |
اتصالات رقمية |
Digital Communications |
CEE308 |
5 |
CEE306 |
Mandatory |
الأمواج الكهرطيسية وخطوط النقل |
Electromagnetic Waves and Transmission Lines |
CRF301 |
Sixth: Communications Technology Block- Specialized orientation "Radio and Micro Communications RMC“ :
The number of accredited units for the Communications Technology Block - Specialized orientation "Radio and Micro Communications RMC“ is /42/ credit units
Credit units |
Priorities |
Classification |
Course Name in Arabic |
Course Name |
Course code |
5 |
CRF301/ Eng3 |
Mandatory |
مدخل إلى النظم اللاسلكية |
Introduction to Wireless Systems |
CCS401 |
5 |
CRF301 |
Mandatory |
الهوائيات وانتشار الأمواج |
Antennas and Wave Propagation |
CRF402 |
5 |
CRF301 |
Mandatory |
هندسة الأمواج المكروية |
Microwave Engineering |
CRF403 |
5 |
CRF402/ CRF403/ Eng3 |
Mandatory |
نظم الاتصالات الراديوية والمكروية |
RF & Microwave telecommunications systems |
CRF404 |
5 |
CEE308/ CRF301/ Eng3 |
Mandatory |
اتصالات بصرية |
Optical Communications |
CRF406 |
5 |
INT101/ CRF301 |
Mandatory |
شبكات الاتصالات اللاسلكية |
Wireless networks |
CCN401 |
12 |
CEE308/ CRF402/ CRF403/ GBS104 |
Mandatory |
مشروع تخرج في تقانة الاتصالات– اختصاص الاتصالات الراديوية والمكروية |
BACT Final Project - RF & Microwave Communications (RMC) |
CPR401 |
Seventh: Communications Technology Block- Specialized orientation " Communications Services and Business CSB“:
The number of accredited units for the Communications Technology Block - Specialized orientation " Communications Services and Business CSB “ is /42/ credit units.
Credit units |
Priorities |
Classification |
Course Name in Arabic |
Course Name |
Course code |
5 |
CRF301/ Eng3 |
Mandatory |
مدخل إلى النظم اللاسلكية |
Introduction to Wireless Systems |
CCS401 |
5 |
INT101/ CRF301 |
Mandatory |
شبكات الاتصالات اللاسلكية |
Wireless networks |
CCN401 |
5 |
CRF301/ IPG204/ Eng3 |
Mandatory |
التطبيقات النقالة |
Mobile Applications |
CCN403 |
5 |
CEE308/ IPG204/ CCN401/ Eng3 |
Mandatory |
تشبيك الوسائط المتعددة |
Multimedia Networking |
CCN404 |
5 |
INT101/ CEE308 |
Mandatory |
تقانات النقل الرقمي والنفاذ العريض الحزمة |
Digital Transport and Broadband Access Technologies |
CCN402 |
5 |
CEE308/ CRF301/ Eng3 |
Mandatory |
اتصالات بصرية |
Optical Communications |
CRF406 |
12 |
CCN401/ CCN403/ GBS104 |
Mandatory |
مشروع تخرج في تقانة الاتصالات– اختصاص خدمات الاتصالات والأعمال |
BACT Final Project - Communications Services & Business (CSB) |
CPS401 |
Eighth: Communications Technology Block- Specialized orientation " Mobile Communication Systems MCS“:
The number of accredited units for the Communications Technology Block - Specialized orientation " Mobile Communication Systems MCS “ is /42/ credit units.
Credit units |
Priorities |
Classification |
Course Name in Arabic |
Course Name |
Course code |
5 |
INT101/ CRF301 |
Mandatory |
شبكات الاتصالات اللاسلكية |
Wireless networks |
CCN401 |
5 |
CRF301/ CML201 |
Mandatory |
اتصالات لاسلكية ونقالة |
Mobile and Wireless communications |
CCS402 |
5 |
CEE307/ CEE308 |
Mandatory |
أساسيات النظم المضمّنة |
Embedded System Fundamentals |
CCS404 |
5 |
CCS402/ CEE308 |
Mandatory |
نظم الاتصالات النقالة |
Mobile communications Systems |
CCS403 |
5 |
CEE308/ CRF301/ Eng3 |
Mandatory |
اتصالات بصرية |
Optical Communications |
CRF406 |
5 |
CEE308/ IPG204/ CCN401/ Eng3 |
Mandatory |
تشبيك الوسائط المتعددة |
Multimedia Networking |
CCN404 |
12 |
CEE308/ CCS402/ CCS404/ GBS401 |
Mandatory |
مشروع تخرج في تقانة الاتصالات– اختصاص نظم الاتصالات النقالة |
BACT Final Project - Mobile Communications Systems (MCS) |
CPM401 |