• About the program
  • Program rules
  • Program courses
  • Academic staff

Internal regulations of IT PHD 

Executive regulations of IT PHD 

The University shall grant a PhD in Informatics in accordance with the provisions specified in this Law.
The duration of the preparation of the degree mentioned in Article /80/ shall not be less than three years from the date of approval of registration for the PhD degree by the University Council; The period in which the student is required to submit a doctoral thesis may not exceed five years, otherwise his/her registration and research will be cancelled. The university council may retain the enrollment for a sixth year in certain circumstances, based on the report of the supervisor and the approval of the Council of Scientific Affairs.

Program Goals:
The program aims to qualify researchers who are able to analyze problems and develop appropriate solutions in the sectors related to informatics. This enables the researcher to follow the latest developments in informatics and to create new knowledge that will allow companies working in related fields to develop their technologies and enhance their role in building secure digital and knowledge spaces for all community members at all levels: local, national, regional and international.
The program covers various research topics in the field of informatics and information systems. The Council of Scientific Affairs determines the axes at the beginning of each academic year.

Learning outcomes:

After the completion of the doctoral dissertation, the student is expected to possess a set of knowledge, skills and values, in particular the following:
On the level of Knowledge & Understanding:

  • Distinguishing among the appropriate research methodologies in their specialty.
  • knowing the latest developments and innovations related to their dissertation.
  • Classifying the mechanisms for developing solutions, studying their effectiveness and evaluating their impact on complex environments.
  • understanding the influence of values ​​and ethics in science relevant to his/her specialty.
  • Classifying scientific journals and conferences that publish the latest scientific developments in his/her field of study.

On the Level of Intellectual Abilities:

  • Analyzing problems and developing solutions.
  • Creating new knowledge.
  • Developing creative ideas within the latest trends in their field of study.

On the Level of Practical Skills:

  • rectifying the work of others.
  • Choosing the appropriate methods to document the results of his/her researches.
  • Selecting the appropriate techniques to display his/her work.
  • Providing the funding sources to develop and apply creative ideas.
  • Participating in national, regional and international forums and working on marketing the results of his/her research.

On the Level of General Transferring Skills:

  • continuing to search for the latest developments in his/her field of specialization.
  • constantly working to develop themselves.
  • Documenting the results of his/her research and discuss them in international forums.
  • Forming and leading teams.
  • Using appropriate language and terminology to discuss problems and develop solutions.

Tutors list: