
Hani Omran



Programs list: 


Courses list: 

BMC.IMS132 - An introduction to the Media Sociology
BMC.IMS132 - An introduction to the Media Sociology

Academic experience: 

Assistant Prof Damascus University Syria 1988
Qatar University: Qatar 1997- 2000
Sultan Qaboos Univer. Oman 2008
Syrian Private Univer. (SPU): 2010
Syrian Virtual Univer. (SVU): 2016


"Demographic Transition In Syria: A dissertation for Ph.D. Sociology, Damascus University 1983.
"Fertility And Social Statistics: A study of indicators and measurement Problems, A case of Syria", M. A. Sociology, Damascus University 1988.
"The Discrimination Between Males And Females And Reproduction Behavior: A statistical analysis of available data - a case of Syria", presented in The Arab Regional Conference of Population, Cairo 1995.
"The Development of Rural Female Labor Force in Syria 1960 – 2000", Damascus University Journal for the Economic and Legal Sciences, No.1, 2001.
"The Dilemma of Illiteracy And Literacy In The Arab Word", Arabian Meeting of Education, Dar Al-Fiker And UNISCO Agents, Beirut, February 2004
"The Education and Social Dimensions For Society of Knowledge in Syria", Presented in UNDP workshop on Human Development Report in Syria, Damascus University, 2006.
"Values of Youth in Syria" , a contribution in national survey, Damascus, 2010
"Human Nature", A study in"A Philosophical, Social and Psychological Issues', Educational Book for 3rd class of Secondary School 2012
Note books for the following assignments: sociology, applied statistics , scientific methodology, Social Policy, Social Organization, Management and Reproductive Health