باسم صقور
المؤهلات العلمية:
دكتوراه في المعلوماتية أختصاص أمن المعلومات-تشفير وترميز البيانات
البرامج الأكاديمية:
المقررات العلمية:
ISE.CSR - أمن الحواسيب
MiQ.QDE72 - تصميم وتحليل التجارب
الخبرات الأكاديمية:
2017-2018 :
Digital Signature, Master in E-Business Management at Arab Academy for E-Business (ARAEB) (20h)
Design and Analysis of Experiments (DOE), Syrian Virtual University, Professional Master in Quality program, MiQ. (2 x 21h)
2012-2015 :
Information System Security, fifth year and Master at Damascus Information Technology Engineering University.(3 x 22h)
2013-2014 :
Numerical Analysis 1, First year at Damascus Information Technology Engineering University.
2007-2009 :
Training on security of information systems, method MEHARI-ISO27000 (2 x 32h). Training on the design of experiments (6 x 10h).
2005-2006 :
Programming Languages, first year students at ENSTA -France (lesson IN101) (TD 15h).
2004-2005 2005-2006 :
Differential Equations and introduction to automatic, first-year courses at ENSTA-PARIS AO102 (TD 2x15h).
2005-2006 :
Introduction to MATLAB, first-year courses at ENSTA IN103 (20h).
2005-2006 :
Computer Science Project, for first year students at ENSTA IN104 (15h)
1997-1998 1998-1999 :
Math courses for second year students, HIAST preparatory classes (TD 2x72 h).
1998-1999 :
Computer science, HIAST first year (26h).
1997-1998 :
Numerical Analysis, HIAST 4 year’s students (18h).
المنشورات العلمية:
• Decoding of second order Reed-Muller codes with a large number of errors
IEEE ITSOC Information Theory Workshop 2005 on Coding and Complexity, ITW2005., 2005
2004 :
• Modified version of Sidel'nikov-Pershakov decoding algorithm for binary second order Reed-Muller codes
Bassem Sakkour and Pierre Loidreau
Ninth International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, ACCT'2004, jun, 2004