محمد حيان السباعي
المؤهلات العلمية:
PhD in Computer Science Engineering, Graduate School of Systems and Information
Engineering, Tsukuba University, Japan.
Master in Computer Science Engineering, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering,
Tsukuba University, Japan
Signs Using an In-Vehicle Video Camera.
Uncertified research student – Visual Information Processing Lab. – Tsukuba University –
Post graduate Diplom in programming and operating systems - Damascus University - Syria.
Research topic: “Geographic information system (GIS) and its uses in tourism – Digital map
for Information centers”.
Bachelor in Electronic Engineering – Damascus University - Syria.
البرامج الأكاديمية:
المقررات العلمية:
BAIT.GDE101 - إلكترونيات رقمية
TIC.GDE101 - إلكترونيات رقمية
TIC.IPG203 - التصميم والبرمجة غرضية التوجه
الخبرات الأكاديمية:
Assistant Prof. - Faculty of Engineering and Technology, International University for Science
and Technology (IUST) Damascus – Syria
Assistant Prof. -Syrian Virtual University.
Senior lecturer (Assistant prof.) at Faculty of Engineering Technology, University Malaysia
Pahang (UMP), Malaysia.
Associate Researcher at National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Tsukuba,
Part-time Job as Research Assistant, GOSAT project, National Institute for Environmental
Studies (NIES), Tsukuba, Japan
Automotive Maintenance Engineer at Modern Technology Trading Co. (MTT), Syria
Teacher Assistant, Faculty of Information Technology Engineering, Damascus University,
ICT Specialist and Coordinator Assistant in National Tempus Office in Syria, one of EU
programmes in the field of Higher Education Reform. (TEMPUS = Trans European Mobility
Programme for University Studies)
المنشورات العلمية:
Alsibai M.H., Abdul Manap S., “Arduino/Genuino - start as professional, short course in a book”, UMP Publications, 2017
Alsibai M.H., “Micro-controlling - Atmel AVR - start as professional, short course in a book”, (Under editing).
Alsibai M.H., Kamarulzaman S.F., “New Algorithm for Driving Risk Evaluation based on Fatigue Detection”, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and
Behaviour (Submitted) (ISI - IF: 2.03 Q1).
Alsibai M.H., Nasir A., Ramli R. M., “Malaysian wheelchair users – a comprehensive survey study”, Assistive Technology (Submitted) (ISI - IF: 1.037 Q1)
Valsala V., Alsibai M.H., Ikeda M., Maksyutov S., "Interannual variability of CFC-11 absorption by the ocean: an offline model study", Climate Dynamics ,Volume 36,
Numbers 7-8, 1435-1452, March 2010. (DOI:10.1007/s00382-010-0784-4). (ISI - IF:4.708 Q1)
Alsibai M. H. and Abdul Manap S., “A Study on Driver Fatigue Notification Systems”, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 11(18), pp.
10987- 10992, 2016 (Scopus)
Alsibai M.H., and Hirai Y., “Real-Time Recognition of Blue Traffic Signs Designating
Directions”, International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Springer New York ,Volume 8, Number 2, pp 96–105, May 2010. (DOI 10.1007/s13177-010-
0010-0). (Scopus)
Alsibai M.H., Kamarulzaman S.F., Alfarra H., Naif Y., “Real time emergency auto parking system in driver lethargic state for accident preventing”, MATEC Web of
Conferences, Vol. 90, 2017.( Scopus)
Alsibai M.H., Manap H., and Abdullah A.A., “Enhanced Face Recognition Method Performance on Android vs Windows Platform”, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 10 (23), pp. 17479 - 17485. December 2015. (Scopus)
Alsibai M.H. and Alfarra H., A Wireless Smart Sensor Network for Flood Management Optimization, International Journal Of Engineering Technology And
Sciences (Ijets) 7 (1), 2017
AlSibai M.H., Abdul Manap S., “A Study on Smart Wheelchair Systems”,international journal of engineering technology and sciences (ijets), Vol. 4 (1), pp. 25
– 35, 2015.
MH Alsibai, MS Sharif, S Yaakub, NNN Hamran, An Innovative EPW Design Using Add-on Features to Meet Malaysian Requirements, IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering, 2017(IEEE index (ISI))
MS Sharif, MH Alsibai, Medical Data Analysis Based on Nao Robot: An Automated Approach Towards Robotic Real-Time Interaction with Human Body, IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering, 2017(IEEE index (ISI))
MS Sharif, MH Alsibai, E Kushnerenko, Evaluating Bad and Good EEG Segments Based on Extracted Features: Towards an Automated Understanding of Infant Behavior and Attention, IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering, 2017 (IEEE index (ISI))
Alsibai M. H., Sayong M., Li Woon K., Atnaw S.M., Nor Hamran N.N., “Optimization of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Control for Efficient Performance at Critical Energy Levels”,IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering (ICCSCE), 2016. (IEEE index (ISI))
Alsibai M.H. and Hoon Min S., “A Smart Driver Monitoring System Using Android Application and Embedded System”, in Proc. 5th IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering, Penang, Malaysia, pp. 254 – 259, Nov 27 – Nov 29, 2015. (IEEE index (ISI))
Alsibai M.H., and Hirai Y., “A Comparative Study on Labeling, Aggregation and Classification Algorithms Used in our Blue Traffic Sign Recognition System”, in Proc.
of the 12th ITS Asia-Pacific Forum & Exhibition, Malaysia, 16 pages, April 2012
Alsibai M.H., and Hirai Y., "Recognition of Blue Traffic Signs Enhanced by Aggregating Fragmentary Segmented Sign Images", in Proc. of The 13th IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing ~SIP 2011~, Dallas -USA, pp. 27-34, December 2011.
Alsibai M.H., and Hirai Yuzo, "Real-time Recognition of Blue Traffic Signs from Blue Sky Background", in Proc. of 17th ITS World Congress, Busan - Korea, 10 pages, October, 2010.